Although being of Portuguese origin, the country, its society as well as its culture and values used to be practically unknown to me for most part of my life.
As I, however, wanted to understand my heritage, I could not resist exploring my homeland to get a more personal perception of 'my' community, which has also become an integral part of Luxembourg, my second home.

Going back to my hometown in 2016, I only intended to take pictures of landscapes and interiors - however, during the process it felt like a natural progression to also portray people as this seemed to give my collection a more personal and elaborate touch.

Capturing a moment in a person's life can be very powerful as a picture paints a thousand words: a subtle hand gesture, a facial expression or a certain look in a person's eyes is what fascinated me because the slightest movement can alter the meaning of a picture. 'Orgulho' means pride and this is exactly what I saw in those people's eyes: they have so little, yet so much and therefore I can say that they are my biggest inspiration.

'This is where my roots are, this is where I was born: Sanfins - Portugal'
